Redmi is set to launch its first laptop in India in August. The company's RedmiBook Series will be launched in India. The company has already confirmed that the RedmiBook laptop will launch in India on August 3. However, the company has not given any definite message about the features and specifications of this upcoming device. And from there, it is thought that Redmi's first laptop in India, starting from price to features - will appear in all directions.
Redmi has become more than just a smartphone brand last year with its phone-plus strategy. One by one we came up with some products that are widely associated with the lifestyle of the common man. For example, power banks, earbuds, and smart bands. This year, we have taken another step forward in the television segment. And now we are going to come up with something more interesting than that. Are you ready to take part in #SuperStartLife with #RedmiBook? ' This has been said on behalf of the company.
What you need to know about RedmiBook Launch -
The RedmiBook laptop that is going to be launched in India is basically the same as the RedmiBook Pro laptop variants that were launched a few months ago in China. This upcoming laptop may have AMD Ryzen and Intel 11th Gen processor flavor. However, several other sources have suggested that it could be the first non-Pro RedmiBook Series laptop to be launched in China, with the possibility of having a 10th Gen Intel for performance.
On the other hand, there is a lot of speculation about the price of the RedmiBook laptop in India. Presumably, this Redmibook laptop is actually going to be less expensive than the Mi Notebook. And so if true, RedmiBook could be launched in India for less than Rs 50,000. Meanwhile, this again Redbook laptops can compete with Realme Book laptops from competing brands.